When a Family Member is Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease
When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, it is devastating news for all. Family members may quickly start experiencing feelings of grief as they recognize their life is about to be changed by the disease and are uneasy about what the future will hold. Most are left with questions about what to expect next. As Alzheimer’s begins to take away the person we know and love, the Alzheimer’s Association explains that, “you'll mourn him or her and may experience the different phases of grieving: denial, anger, guilt, sadness and acceptance.” They remind us that feelings of grief do not come in a specific order but rather we go in and out of the various stages. Feelings of denial include unrealistically hoping the person is not ill or expecting them to get better. Others try to convince themselves their loved one has not changed or try to normalize and make excuses for their behaviors. Anger may include being frustrated with the person or feeling abandoned. You may also...